Young Sheldon is an American comedy television series on CBS created by Chuck Lorre and Steven Molaro. The series is a spin-off prequel to The Big Bang Theory and begins with the character Sheldon Cooper at the age of nine, living with his family in East Texas and going to high school. Iain Armitage stars as young Sheldon, alongside Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Raegan Revord, and Annie Potts. Jim Parsons, who portrays the adult Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory, narrates the series and serves as an executive producer.
Development of the prequel series began in November 2016, from an initial idea that Parsons passed along to The Big Bang Theory
producers. The following March, Armitage and Perry were cast, and the
series was ordered by CBS. The series premiered as a special preview on
September 25, 2017, and two days later, CBS picked up the series for a
full season of 22 episodes. From November 2, 2017, new episodes began
airing weekly. In January 2018, CBS renewed the series for a second
season which premiered on September 24, 2018, and in February 2019, for a
third and fourth season, with the third season having premiered on
September 26, 2019.
series takes place in the late 1980s and early 1990s; and follows
Sheldon Cooper as a young boy attending high school in the fictional
town of Medford, Texas. As a nine year old boy (in the first season[1])
attending high school, he tries to fit into the a world full of people,
including his own family and friends, who do not quite know how to deal
with his unique intellectual capabilities and social ineptitude.[1][2]
Date references are made within the series to anchor the series'
time setting. In the series premiere, adult Sheldon states that "nobody I
knew in East Texas in 1989 cared about Newtonian physics".[3][a]
The second season makes a couple of references to 1990. In episode 11
of that season there is an event called the "1990 East Texas Baptist
Olympics",[4] and in the season finale Sheldon is listening to a Nobel Prize announcement which can be inferred to have happened in October of 1990.[5] Episode 11 of season two has ALF, a series that ran from 1986 until 1990, featured on the television.[b]
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