Sex Education is a British comedy-drama web television series created by Laurie Nunn. Starring Asa Butterfield as an insecure teenager and Gillian Anderson as his mother, a sex therapist, the series premiered on 11 January 2019 on Netflix. Ncuti Gatwa, Emma Mackey, Connor Swindells, Aimee Lou Wood and Kedar Williams-Stirling
co-star. It became a critical and commercial success for Netflix, with
over 40 million viewers streaming the first series after its debut. The
second series was released on 17 January 2020,[1][2] and the show has been renewed for a third series.[3]
The second series follows Otis who, after finally securing a
relationship with Ola, is hit with the reality and pressures of a high
school romance. That romance is further tested by the introduction of
new students who challenge the status quo at Moordale High and a chlamydia outbreak that causes students to question and struggle with topical issues.[7][8]
Cast and characters
- Asa Butterfield as Otis Milburn, a teenager who struggles with his mother's occupation and her interference in his personal and sexual life.
- Gillian Anderson as Dr Jean F. Milburn, a well-known sex therapist and Otis's mother. She is divorced and regularly has one-night stands but states that she is not seeking a romantic relationship.
- Ncuti Gatwa as Eric Effiong, Otis's openly gay best friend, who comes from a religious Ghanaian-Nigerian family.
- Emma Mackey as Maeve Wiley, a social outcast and bad-girl who befriends Otis and runs the therapy clinic with him.
- Connor Swindells as Adam Groff, the headmaster's son who bullies Eric. He has a tense relationship with his father.
- Kedar Williams-Stirling as Jackson Marchetti, the Afro-British head boy at Moordale Secondary School and a swimming champion.
- Aimee Lou Wood as Aimee Gibbs, another of the school's popular girls who has an unlikely friendship with Maeve. She is always in a relationship and is nicer compared to other members of the school's "The Untouchables" clique. She is from a wealthy family and her home is often used for hang-outs and parties.
- Patricia Allison as Ola Nyman, Jakob's daughter and Otis's love interest.
- Alistair Petrie as Michael Groff, the headmaster at Moordale Secondary School and Adam's strict father.
- Mimi Keene as Ruby Matthews, one of the school's popular but mean girls. She is the cruelest of the school's "The Untouchables" clique.
- Chaneil Kular as Anwar, the leader of "The Untouchables" and another openly gay student at the school.
- Simone Ashley as Olivia Hanan, another member of "The Untouchables".
- Tanya Reynolds as Lily Iglehart, a girl who writes alien erotica, and is determined to lose her virginity as soon as possible.
- Mikael Persbrandt as Jakob Nyman, a widowed Swedish handyman who develops a relationship with Jean after working for her.
- Anne-Marie Duff as Erin, Maeve and Sean's absent mother who reappears and attempts to make amends. (series 2)
- Sami Outalbali as Rahim, a French transfer student who shows an interest in Eric. (series 2)
- Chinenye Ezeudu as Vivienne "Viv" Odusanya, a girl who tutors Jackson and a member of the quiz team. (series 2)
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