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How to Convert Death Soil in to Fertile Soil within 14 Days

Needs.. For ¼ ac (40 p)

  Water  -  25 l 

  Cow Dung  -  2.5 kg 

•  Cow Urine -  2.5 l

 •  Sugar Cane Jaggery   -  500 g

  Green Gram or any other Cereal Flour - 500g 
•  Fertile Soil (Humus) – 50 g
•  Paddy Husk Or any other organic material for  Mulching


    Put all Ingredients in one container and  mix them with water

     Stir it in to clock wise three times in a day (Morning/Noon/Evening)& Continue this for 5 days
   On 6th day Before 5 a.m (3.58 a.m is the best time for this) Spray it on the land u choose to fertile.
Mulch entire land which is wetted by
mixture by using paddy husk or any other
mulching material you find
Remember Mulching is MUST.

You can use this media for any
land (Bare land or Cultivated one)


It convert Bare land in to

Rich fertile soil content land

with in 14 days


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