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The Grate King Ravana

Prince Rawana was born to the Dutta princess, Kaukeshi and Vishwasmuni. Sumalin, the father of Princess Krakeshi, was also a powerful king. Prince Rawana had several siblings. The mother of the first brother, Kuwera and the father of Rawana were one but their mothers changed. Later he was appointed Treasurer of Kuvera Vishwakarma. Some people later wanted to make this birth Ravana a Tamil but it should be emphasized that he was not a Tamil. King Sumalin sought a powerful king from the three worlds to marry his daughter, Kaukeshi. But the other kings of the three worlds were less powerful than he, so he rejected all the others. Krukeshi chose the Masters of Relaxation at her discretion. Viravasmuni was a king who ruled several areas. Among them were parts of North India and several parts of South India.
The scholars have said that Krakeshi's retirement is due at an unexpected time. Therefore, all these children are considered to be half Rakshas.

At that time the Raksha, the Naga and the Deva tribes lived in Lankapura and were commonly called Hela. With the arrival of the Arahant Mahinda Thera, the inhabitants of Hela Diva became Sinhala. Ravana was so enthralled with youth that he became the commander of the army of his ancestors (Sumalin). Ravana was so powerful that he ousted his brother Kuvera and took over the reign of Lankapura. King Rawana was a warrior. Under the rule of King Lankapura Rawana the people did not know what it was like to be very hungry and hunger. The houses of the extremely poor were filled with gold. King Rawana had several wives. Mandodari was the chief among them. Mandodari has also been appreciated by Indian literary figures. Mandodari is a very intelligent, beautiful, glorious and charming man. Later, King Ravana abducted Sita, the queen of Prince Rama. This was due to the brutal amputation of Supernica's (Rawana's younger sister) nose and Kanna Lakshmana. Supernica was the eldest of the two, but very beautiful.

"What are you doing in this forest ? It is appropriate to tell you the reason for coming here."- The creation of the Ramayana-Aranya mountain .. 2,12,14 pages

But the answer to this question was Lakshman's inhuman act. Significantly, this forest (also known as Dandaka Jangle) was ruled by the king of Rawana, who had the power to question Suparnika.This led to the abduction of Ravana Seetha and the comrades Vibhishana and Kumbhakaran. They said that Lakshman should be punished for the offense. However, according to the Ramayana, Vibhishana's betrayal led to Ravana's focus on Brahmasvara, the last hymn of Rama.

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